NEWS! There is some news here LMAO!

Review Policy

This review policy will explain how Bangerly handles reviews and what the requirements for reviews are.

When can someone leave a review?

- You may post a customer review under a sample pack on our website when you have purchased a sample pack from Bangerly, and if requested are able to prove it.
- You may post a customer review about us on third-party review websites if you have purchased a product or used a service from Bangerly, and if requested are able to prove it.

What are the requirements for a review?

You are liable for the content of the customer review and guarantee that:
- The content thereof is not false, deceptive, fraudulent or otherwise unlawful and/or in violation of the law.
- You do not mistreat others with the customer review, for example by posting discriminatory, offensive or insulting texts.
- The customer review is based solely on your own experience with Bangerly and this experience did not take place more than a year ago. This period does not apply if you post the customer review in response to a request from Bangerly.
- The review is not intended as a response to other reviews.
- The assessment does not contain any personal data or other descriptions that can be traced back to a person.


You are not allowed to write customer reviews if you have a special relationship with Bangerly, in particular this means that you are not allowed to leave a review if:
- Bangerly is the company of someone related to you.
- Bangerly is the company you are employed or work for.
- Bangerly is a direct competitor to a company you work for or own.

It is possible to write more than one customer review about Bangerly on some third-party review websites, but this is not allowed if it concerns the same experience, product or service.

Authenticity Guarantee.

Fake reviews are a form of unfair business practices. After all, consumers increasingly rely on reviews and recommendations from other consumers when making purchasing decisions. It is therefore important that consumers and Bangerly handle reviews responsibly and do everything in their power to prevent fake reviews and promote transparency.
We guarantee reviews are authentic as we:
- Show all reviews and do not remove (negative) reviews as long as the review does not conflict with the guidelines.
- Only accept reviews from customers who actually have a purchase or service experience themselves.
- Do not offer consumers a reward for giving a positive review.

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