NEWS! There is some news here LMAO!


how to upload samples

Uploading samples is really easy.
If you go to your profile page, you will see a "upload samples" button somewhere on the top-right on your screen.
Clicking on this button will bring you to a page where you can select a file from your system.
Just fill in the form and you are good to go.

Bangerly just copies the title from the file as the title, but the you have to fill in the rest yourself.
The BPM and root note are not required to be filled in, neither are the tags.
However, filling in this meta-data gives you a huge advantage in our search algorithm.

untrusted vs trusted users

Before your uploaded samples are publicly visible, they need to get approval.
This happens automatically if you are a trusted user, but every user starts as an untrusted user.
If you are not a trusted user yet, your samples go trough a manual approval process.

After 5 approved samples you will become a trusted user.
Be carefull with uploading samples after this!
You know the rules at this point.
Breaking them will result in a ban.
When that happens you will not be able to upload or download samples anymore.

what are credits?

Credits are basically our currency that gives you the ability to download samples.
Each sample on this website costs 1 credit to download.
When you are out of credits, you can't download a sample anymore.

how to earn credits

Your account will have 5 free credits to spend each week (not cummulative).
You can also earn credits by uploading samples.
Each sample uploaded will add 3 earned credits to your account.
Earned credits will stay in your account until they are being used.
When you are out of free credits, you can download samples with your earned credits.

how to get unlimited credits

If you need to download a lot of samples, but you do not want to upload anything, then buying a premium membership is the option for you.
For now we are trying to pull in enough content and traffic, so this isn't an option yet.
It will be soon!
Stay tuned.

setting up your profile

You can set up your profile by going to your own profile page and click on the button after your display name.
Fill in the input in the popup will occur as you like.
You can set your profile picture, display name, bio and your social media buttons here.

tracking statistics

On your profile page there is a section of statistics.
Here you can see statistics about your audience and your samples.
The conclusions you draw from them and what you do with it is up to you.

grow your network

A good first step is to set up the social media channels supported by bangerly in your profile, so user can checkout your soundcloud, facebook, etc.
But bangerly is a platform itself, you can follow and be followed by other creators/users.
To follow someone you can just browse to a profile and press the follow button.
Whenever someone you follow uploads a sample, it will appear on your feed in reversed chronological order.
You can browse your feed by clicking on the feed link in the navigation bar.

Well.... this is awkward...
This platform is pretty new ya know...
So i don't really have noticed questions yet, let alone "frequently asked" questions.
Feel free to ask me anything on discord!
See the link below!

Are your questions left unanswered?

Thats okay, thats where our discord chat comes in handy. This is a space where you can chat about anything music and ask questions. I'll try to answer as soon as possible.

Join the discord here.

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